From a bright idea to a beautiful home, Bridge City Contracting are with you every step of your renovation journey. 

The experienced remodelers at Bridge City Contracting understand what is involved, and what the cost will be, to turn your vision into a reality – with solid financial equity. We care deeply about delivering a remodeling experience, and a final result that respects your space, your budget, and your lifestyle.


Remodeling and renovation are a collaborative experience. With Bridge City Contracting, you'll be part of a team dedicated to realizing your dream home in the least disruptive and most cost-effective way possible. Have as much, or as little hands-on consultation with interior design choices as you need depending on your time and interest. 



Throughout your project, transparent communication and clear expectations set the tone for an experience that will be exciting and fulfilling. Your satisfaction is the intent of everything we do. We are personally involved in the daily activities of each project, putting your trust and service experience first.


At Bridge City, we begin with uncovering your goals, then help you discover a design that best fits your needs, your existing home, and your space. We know the right questions to ask to get to the heart of your lifestyle and remodeling objectives.



The construction part of your project is just the last step in your remodel. It's the ultimate realization of great planning, transparent communication, and sound design. There is an art to executing a process-driven remodel – one that won't leave you feeling taken advantage of. Our supportive and skilled team stays on schedule and budget, so potential issues, expenses, and delays won't derail your project – or your sanity.